FRYER – High Quality Toolroom Mills for Small Batch Production

FRYER – High Quality Toolroom Mills for Small Batch Production

Contact us for price

Location:Little Rock, AR


Machine Overview The Fryer MB-Q Series is the ultimate mill for toolroom applications. Designed and built to be the finest toolroom mill available, these machines are easier to use, more accurate and last longer than any other toolroom mill. Equipped with a manual quill and manual handwheels, the “Q” Series gives you the flexibility to use in manual, semi-CNC or full-CNC modes. The conversational control makes programming easy so even one-off parts can be done quickly and efficiently. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITION ARE CORRECT TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND ARE SUBJECT TO YOUR VERIFICATION AND CORRECTION. THE CONDITION OF THE MACHINE IS AS IT HAS BEEN REPRESENTED TO US. ALL MACHINES ARE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. EVERY MACHINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, IS OFFERED SUBJECT TO OUR GUARANTEE THAT IF FOUND TO BE MECHANICALLY UNSATISFACTORY WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER SHIPMENT, SAME MY BE RETURNED, FREIGHT PREPAID FOR FULL CREDIT OR REPAIRED AT DEALER’S OPTION. ALL MACHINES RETURNED TO US MUST BE IN AS GOOD A CONDITION AS WHEN SHIPPED.


ModelMB-10Q, MB-14Q, MB-16Q
Serial NumberNew