Used Motor Generator Set 480 60hz to 220/380Y 50hz

Used Motor Generator Set 480 60hz to 220/380Y 50hz

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Location:Little Rock, AR


• Voltage regulation: ±1% from no-load to full-load at rated power factor • Voltage steady state stability: ±0.5% from no-load to full-load at rated power factor • Voltage adjustment range: ±10% in stepless increments of nominal output voltage • Frequency regulation: 50 Hz ±1.5% output from no-load to full-load • Voltage transient: When a full-load at rated power factor is applied or released, the resultant instantaneous droop or overshoot will not exceed 30% of preset value • Voltage recovery time: After a full-load is applied or released, the output voltage will return to the regulation band within 500 milliseconds • Harmonic distortion: Less than 3% max. total distortion factor and less than 2.5% max. single-phase when measured line-to-line • Ambient operating conditions: Temperature at 40°C, relative humidity at 95% (higher temperature rating for outdoor use available upon request) • Duty cycle: Motor-generator set and controls are rated for continuous duty SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITION ARE CORRECT TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND ARE SUBJECT TO YOUR VERIFICATION AND CORRECTION. THE CONDITION OF THE MACHINE IS AS IT HAS BEEN REPRESENTED TO US. ALL MACHINES ARE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. EVERY MACHINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, IS OFFERED SUBJECT TO OUR GUARANTEE THAT IF FOUND TO BE MECHANICALLY UNSATISFACTORY WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER SHIPMENT, SAME MY BE RETURNED, FREIGHT PREPAID FOR FULL CREDIT OR REPAIRED AT DEALER’S OPTION. ALL MACHINES RETURNED TO US MUST BE IN AS GOOD A CONDITION AS WHEN SHIPPED.


Generator rating at 0.8 pf31.25
Output current at 120/208v87A
Output current at 220/380v48A
Motor rating40 HP