Piranha Fiber LASER 5 x 10

Piranha Fiber LASER 5 x 10

$249,990 (USD)

Location:Little Rock, AR


Delivery: Stock, TBD Terms: Net before Shipment Piranha LASER L510 cutting machines are built with reliability and economy in mind. These tough machines use proven technology to ensure precision and reliability throughout their service life. This special combination of durability and cost efficiency provides maximum value for steel processors. CUTTING TABLE WITH FUME EXTRACTION SYSTEM AND DUST COLLECTOR REMOVE Cutting Fumes and Dust FIBER LASER RESONATOR INCREASED Efficiency REDUCED Operating Costs NO LASER Gas Requirement NO Beam Path Optics or Mirrors NO Periodic Service Requirement PRICE AND SPECS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. SMF CAN OFFER FINANCING OPTIONS FOR YOUR PURCHASE, ASK YOUR SALESMAN FOR DETAILS. IF MACHINE SHIPS FORM LITTLE ROCK, AR ADDITIONAL FREIGHT CHARGES WILL APPLY.

