Bystronic ByFlex 6215 BTL 2800 C02 Laser 5′ x 20′

Bystronic ByFlex 6215 BTL 2800 C02 Laser 5′ x 20′

$59,900 (USD)

Location:Little Rock, AR


Delivery: Stock, Subject to Prior Sale Terms: Net before shipment Rotary Axis for Tube that will need a tail stock to do longer than 3′ Koolant Kooler – Chiller Airflow Systems Dust Collector System Norgren Air Dryer System Control Cabinet Air Dry System Extra Power Unit Cabinet for Parts Extra Cutting Head & Several other Parts NOTE: Purchaser will be responsibility for tear down and removal. Machine can be seen under power by appointment Additional photo’s available upon request. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITION ARE CORRECT TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND ARE SUBJECT TO YOUR VERIFICATION AND CORRECTION. THE CONDITION OF THE MACHINE IS AS IT HAS BEEN REPRESENTED TO US. ALL MACHINES ARE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE.


ModelByFlex 6215 BTL 2800