Pre-Owned Bewo Cold Saw

$3,500 (USD)

Location:Little Rock, AR


CPO 350 Manual Cold Saw provides clean, straight, burr-free cuts; easy miter cuts; and safe operation without sparks or heat. Miter cuts and slotting operations are no problem with a head will rotate up to 90 degrees left or right. Miter locking pins at 45 degrees left, 45 degrees right and 90 degrees provide positive, fast angle selection. Burr-free cuts are easily achieved, with the double self-centering vise. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITION ARE CORRECT TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND ARE SUBJECT TO YOUR VERIFICATION AND CORRECTION. THE CONDITION OF THE MACHINE IS AS IT HAS BEEN REPRESENTED TO US. ALL MACHINES ARE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. EVERY MACHINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, IS OFFERED SUBJECT TO OUR GUARANTEE THAT IF FOUND TO BE MECHANICALLY UNSATISFACTORY WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER SHIPMENT, SAME MY BE RETURNED, FREIGHT PREPAID FOR FULL CREDIT OR REPAIRED AT DEALER’S OPTION. ALL MACHINES RETURNED TO US MUST BE IN AS GOOD A CONDITION AS WHEN SHIPPED.


•blade size (inches)14 (350mm)
•mitering range90 degrees left, 45 degrees right
•round solid capacity 90 deg (inches)2
•round solid capacity 45 deg (inches)1,75
•round tube capacity 90 deg (inches)4.5
•round tube capacity 45 deg (inches)4
•square tube capacity 90 deg (inches)4
•square tube capacity 45 deg (inches)4
•rectangle tube capacity 90 deg (inches)4 x 5
•rectangle tube capacity 45 deg (inches)4 x 4
•weight (pounds)675
•dimensions (lxwxh)22 x 44 x 57