Pull Max Double Initial Pinch Roll

Pull Max Double Initial Pinch Roll

$39,500 (USD)

Location:Little Rock, AR


Pull Max 3 Roll

Double Initial Pinch

The PV 7H is a hydraulic plate-bending machine with double-asym-metrical setting of the lower rolls, permitting simple pre-bending of both ends of the material.

The three-roll drive and the dry-plate clutch of the upper roll enable both sheet and plate to be bent. The machine is also excellently suited for bending cones.

The hydraulic equipment is fully enclosed within the machine frame and protected against dirt and physical damage by a metal guard

All the functions are controlled from the operating panel: operating speed, direction of rotation of the rolls, adjustment of the lower rolls and tilting of the end yoke.

The pinch-adjusting and rotation speeds are infinitely variable and can thus be set to suit the particular work in progress. The position of the lower rolls is indicated by two coun ters and the operating pressure is shown by a gauge.

The finished cylinders and cones are removed from the machine after the end yoke has been tilted.

***Included is a set of rear mounted controls***


ManufacturerPull Max
Serial Number4389
Stock Number071624rh
Machine Size8'
Rolling Cap1/2''
Pre-Bending Cap3/8''
Rolling Diameter10-5/8''
Machine Weight17,820 lbs